Summer givings are assured when congregation members sign up for Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). With this easy program, givings are assured the rest of the year, too. PAR provides a quick and simple way for people to give to the congregation and to Mission and Service through automatic bank deductions. Across Canada, nearly 46,000 United Church members supported local and M&S initiatives through PAR giving. Thank you to all who financially support our congregation. Sign up and share your offering with First United this summer and beyond. For more information, contact the treasurer -- Peter Galloway -- at [email protected].
Stewardship and Generosity
Paul encouraged generosity at all times: "Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity." II Corinthians 8:2. Stewardship - to serve as one who manages another's property, finances, or other affairs - is not just means for the church to raise money. It is a way of life that recognizes that everything we have is God's, and we are simply managing those resources while here on earth. The Bible is filled with examples of grateful response to God's generous gifts. The Bible also teaches about our personal responsibility to share with others and warns against selfishness and misuse of God's economic resources.
United Church Approach to Stewardship One thread of our stewardship heritage comes from John Wesley, who urged those in connection with him to "Earn all you can and save all you can, so that you can give all you can." He modelled modest living and sacrificial giving. Our Presbyterian, Congregationalists, and Methodists traditions have consistently took weekly offerings to help others in need. Today, we at First United Church join others to help all of God's children...whenever and wherever we can. Just as Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes when the crowd grew hungry. Through our congregation, we are the heart, spirit, and hands of God's outreaching love. Life grows here through the joy of generosity.
Practicing Good Stewardship How can you learn and practice good Christian stewardship?
Pray about your regular giving to God's ministry and mission through First United Church.
Model the humility and generosity God calls you to do.
Give your time, talents, and financial gifts to the Mission and Service Fund and other church ministries.
Remember First United Church in your will or estate plan.
Stewardship Team The Stewardship and Generosity Team is looking for keen members who are interested in deepening their understanding of stewardship and help First United grow as generous disciples.